zimm1s.jpg (3427 byte)
"Cantata de Buenos Aires"

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"Gli Uccelli"

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"Dies Irae"

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"Terra di Tango"

Susana Zimmermann

Dancer, choreographer and teacher. A classical ballet and contemporary dancer, she studied with Mercedes Quintana, Esmee Bulnes, Renate Schottelius in Argentina; Kurt Joos, Mary Wigman, Dore Hoyer and Harold Kreutzberg in Germany, and with Maurice Bejart in Belgium.

She has coreographed sixty works for ballet, theatre, opera and television in various countries.
She directed the Dance Laboratory at the Torcuato di Tella Institue 1967-70, and since 1976 participated as a coreographer in numerous international festivals in Bolzano, Como, Trulli, Florence, Venice, Geneva. She created he own dance methodology and published a book in 1983, "The Dance and Creative Movement Laboratory".

She was Dance Counsellor to the National Culture Secretariat 1984-90, and directs her own contemporary dance group, the Ballet de Camara Argentino. Ms. Zimmerman was awarded various prizes, scholarships and invitations from artistic and cultural organisations in Europe and Latin America..

Susana Zimmermann
S. de Bustamante, 2156 PB "F"
(1425) Buenos Aires

Fermo posta centrale
50100 Firenze (ITALY)

Tel 54 1 824-4355
Fax 54 1 821-8656

Theatrical Companies:
Argentine Camera Ballet,
Dance Theater Laboratory
Classical and Contemporary
Dance and Choreography

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